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Date 2022.01.19
CORNET has opened its 33rd Call for Proposals to realise further international research projects for the benefits of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in various countries and regions. Project submission is possible until 30 March 2022, 12 p.m. CET.
After, again, registering a high number of applications in the previous call, CORNET has opened its 33rd Call for Proposals to realise further international research projects for the benefits of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in various countries and regions. Project submission is possible until 30 March 2022, 12 p.m. (noon, CET). In the current call, all CORNET partners are on board except the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Japan.
Applying for funding within the CORNET framework is unbureaucratic and worthwhile! As a well-established international funding network, CORNET accomplishes an average success rate of 63 per cent – out of three proposals submitted, approximately two get funding!
For a proposal to be considered for evaluation, it has to be complete, contain all annexes and be submitted by the stated deadline via the CORNET Submission Tool. Applicants are kindly asked to use the latest version of the proposal documents, which is available for download in the section Guidelines and Templates.
Please also have a look at the latest version of the guidelines: Guidelines for Applicants (PDF, 1,014KB, File does not meet accessibility standards).
Further information about the application process, the composition of international project consortia and the timeline of the current call is available in the section Calls for Proposals. If you have any questions regarding the international CORNET application or if your country or region isn’t a CORNET partner yet, please do not hesitate to contact the CORNET Office.
If you are looking for (further) partners and special know-how to complete your project consortium, please also visit the section Find a project partner where you can browse through various organisation profiles, or you can send in a profile of your own to offer your expertise. Of course, you can also get in touch with the CORNET Office which will gladly provide support where needed.
If you need more time for your proposal or to find suitable project partners, you can also participate in the next call, which will be opening in Summer 2022 with a deadline on 28 September 2022.
Picture: © Artem Beliaikin /